Providing Intelligence Support, Counter Terrorism Support and Anti Piracy Solutions, Augmenting Government and Private Companies Worldwide since 2005
Phoenix Intelligence Support Services, is a private non-governmental intelligence support service company, providing critical human resources, which have the essential skill sets required to effectively implement tasks under the command of the various host government contracting our services and the Particular agency or departments associated with specific tasks in the area of counter terrorism and counter intelligence operations as well as security assistance and implementation for critical infrastructure, special locations, private facilities and other important locations and purposes.
Phoenix Intelligence Support Services is unique as a private corporation in that we provide human resources with bilingual capabilities structured to the region and the culture in which our agents and employees work (under
the command of the host governments contracting such services from our firms).
Phoenix Intelligence Support Services is different due to the fact that our employees are all drawn from retired or inactive counter intelligence, counter terrorism, narcotics interdiction, special border security or similar positions with up to 20 years or more experience at the officer level, these individuals are highly motivated, highly trained and efficient in their specific area of expertise and their regions of the world which require “an understanding of the culture”, As well as an ability to communicate effectively whether it be using multilingual capabilities, technologies, or other specialized skills.
In today’s world of global risk and vulnerability as well as the constantly changing geo-political environment throughout the world and particularly as it pertains to western allies, Phoenix Intelligence Support Services are essential to maintain a rapid response and effective capability in the areas of counter terrorism, counter intelligence, security risk assessment support as well as specialized services tailored specifically to the requirements of the host governments and agencies contracting our services whether it be the United States, Latin America, Europe, Middle East or Asia.
Phoenix Intelligence Support Services is prepared to meet the challenges which face the defense and intelligence communities across the world, particularly since some, resources are very thin (such as effective and specialized human resources, with high demand skill sets such as multilingual capabilities and counter terrorism training) which makes our service in high demand worldwide.
Phoenix Intelligence Support Services provides packages prepared in accordance to the particular requirements of the host government requesting our services, whether it be a single human resource employee specialized in particular skill set for a specific support mission or whether it may be a 25 or 300 man team or more, experts in various areas specific to counter terrorism or counter intelligence work, executing professional and ethical skill and effectiveness with dependability and professionalism on each and every mission
Contact Phoenix Intelligence Support Services to learn more information about specific service packages and mission support contracts such as:
Specific mission critical Intelligence and Counter Terrorism support involving ongoing or new counter terrorism efforts in various locations around the world.
Penetration Teams for counter terrorism, surveillance, monitoring of suspected threats whether it be individual, groups, or organizations.
Phoenix Intelligence Support Services staff is highly trained and capable at deep penetration into various groups and/or confidences with individual targets or suspected threats due to their knowledge of the culture and the language as well as their skill set and training to enhance and effectively support critical intelligence, counter terrorism, or counter intelligence missions.
- Infrastructure and critical location, counter-surveillance / counter terrorism teams.
- Security support personal (trained counter terrorism experts).
- Private facilities or critical location security, counter terrorism intelligence/counter intelligence support services and in particular parameter security and infiltration of suspected threats whether it be singular groups, organizations, private or governmental.
- Threat assessment reports, consultations and intelligence support for host government projects and operations as well as private, economic or commercial operations which enhance the goals of ally countries and their economies, Phoenix Intelligence Support Services can offer a broad range of facilities to enhance and protect commercial activities and secure government economic programs as well in hostile environments, such as supporting aid and reconstruction distribution and operation and mission critical task surrounding this type of activities
- Interrogation support training and consultation.
- Other specialized mission critical task and mission support
The service package abstracts are based on generally recognize areas of counter terrorism support services in which private military contractor offer their services and various settings under the command of the host of the government or agency contracting Phoenix Intelligence Support Services, counter terrorism services such as those listed below (special services in areas not listed below maybe contracted on a case by case basis in liaison with the contracting government/agency/private entity authorize in negotiating contract in such services through our special missions department).
- Facilities and infrastructure security support team(s)
Phoenix Intelligence Support Services, counter terrorism services deployed to support existing infrastructure security and the embolden existing counter terrorism measures already in place, our firm is able to provide additional human resources with specialized skill sets including multilingual abilities, counter surveillance training and undercover/clandestine parameter/infrastructure security to enhance overall security package deployed for critical infrastructure and facilities worldwide, groups from 6 to 100 persons are available for deployment at anyone location and with sufficient time to deployment date, as many as 700* Phoenix Intelligence Support Services employees are available for deployment worldwide for the foregoing purposes, more information and specific data are available upon a request for quotation (RFQ) for any of the service packages and all questions will be answered as quickly as possible, upon receiving a detailed summary of the potential task model required or requested for us to perform including as much detail as possible.
- Phoenix Intelligence Support Services is Actively Augmenting Counter Terrorism Efforts World Wide
Phoenix Intelligence Support Services, can provide personal, specialized skill sets, including multilingual capabilities and training in Intelligence gathering, analysis and penetration into potentially dangerous groups of known or suspected terrorists or hostile political activists, organizations or facilities, under the direct command of the host government or agency contracting our firm, augmenting the human intelligence gathering capabilities already in place or those which should be in place but have not had sufficiently skill personal matching the nationality or language capabilities of the host countries to be deployed, additional services in this sphere include assistance during interrogation procedures and supporting analysis of intelligence gathered.
Threat assessment and risk analysis reports conducted on a contract basis including testing the efficacy and effectiveness of existing security features deployed for infrastructure facilities and important locations worldwide supporting the existing operatives already in place and recommending any modifications or changes or forecasting them as potential future requirements to aid in budgeting and management issues.
Special Maritime Interdiction Services Counter Terrorism/Anti-Pirate Unit Services Worldwide
Phoenix Intelligence Support Services, is able to provide small and medium security team deployment of security forces in hostile environments such as the Gulf of Aden, East African Coast (commercial water ways and trade routes south of Suez Canal and other hot spots where commercial vessels have been Attacked, Hijacked, Ransomed or otherwise compromised by Pirates) such small or medium interdiction teams include, escorts who remain onboard with crew or passengers, as well as sea born escorts if required (armed small vessel escorts) remaining Onboard or Maintaining Seaborne Escort Until The Protected Vessel(s) Have Passed Through the areas of Danger.
This service is contracted by both commercial and/or government agencies and entities to augment and support the existing security measures and to help guarantee safe passage of valuable cargo and protect human lives on Shipping Vessels/Cargo, Cruise Ships or other vessels, which may be targeted for Hijack and Piracy in the dangerous areas mentioned above. Our contractors are trained and skilled to repell, or neutralize attacks, or attempted attacks, against such vessels as well as counter surveillance and organizing "seaborn parameters", Utilizing Onboard Escorts (Armed).
Private Intelligence Support and Counter Terrorism Services Provided By Phoenix Intelligence Support Services are invaluable in today’s complex world and the ever changing face of terrorism at home and abroad
Phoenix Intelligence Support Services is not related to associated with Phoenix Consulting Group VA USA or Phoenix Global Information Systems and Phoenix Intelligence support Services operates within all Federal, State and International laws and Conventions with the Finest Professional Ethics and Execution of its Mission Critical Tasks under the Command of the Host Government whether it may be Local , Federal or International Governments Abroad
For More information while the Site is updating Please contact Mr. Bo Fielding 1-954-328-6555 hawker733@aol.com or email Head Office at info@phoenixintelligencesupport.com
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